Last Sunday my class of sixth grade religious education students learned about the creation story from the Book of Genesis. To reinforce this lesson, I gave the students a 10-15 minute class activity based on an idea I got from a handout the teacher gave us in catechism classes I attended with my kids earlier this year. The handout was a visual of the creation story as found in "A Father Who Keeps His Promises," by Scott Hahn.
Esther's Days of Creation Activity
As you can see from the photo, the students were to draw, color, or use decorative stickers to indicate God's creation over a seven-day period in a compartmentalized house. I gave the students some stickers I'd purchased at the dollar store, but most were extras not needed to make Giftigami Boxes ( The numbers indicate the day of creation, and Day 7 (Sabbath) could have stickers or drawings of recreational activities, such as camping, hiking, photography, dance, or church-related stickers such as crosses and angels.
Our family has been blessed with musical talent. We presently have two children in the high school band, and we're proud as can be of the accomplishments this hard working group of students and their directors has earned. Here they are preparing to compete at their first band competition of the year at my alma mater, East Central High School.
With a nifty little change to the decorative cards in my previous post, you can make small gifts for seniors in a retirement home, sick children in the hospital, the terminally ill in hospice, etc. I made these with my son's girl friend in mind. She's in basic training for eight weeks and doesn't have any contact with the civilian world, other than letters or the occasional phone call.
Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ
Instructions: 1. Trace outline of oval template onto craft felt fabric and cut. 2. Place a small amount of polyester pillow stuffing in the middle of backside of card. 3. Apply a thin layer of glue around backside of card where tissue and card meet. 4. Press felt onto backside of card. 5. On the front, apply a thin layer of glitter glue around the oval where the tissue and card meet.