We recently received mail from the Carmelite Friars reminding us that, as Valentine's Day approaches, love is more than hearts and chocolates. It told of the Shrine of Saint Valentine at Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin, which contains the remains of Saint Valentinus the Martyr, who died serving the Lord, the source of infinite love. For more information about this shrine and the legend of St. Valentine, visit their website at: http://www.carmelites.ie/ireland/Whitefriar%20St/valentine.htm.
I'd like to share a picture of a handmade, heart-shaped flower inside a Valentine's Day Giftigami Box. The flower is made out of bread and water to form a dough. After the dough dries, it's painted with red acrylic paint and sprinkled with glitter.
Valentine's Day Flower Craft |
Copyright 2012 Esther Locascio. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.